So, I promise I wrote this all at week 36 and took a photo and everything... apparently I never actually published this post. Pregnancy brain much?
How far along:
36 Weeks. Officially 9 months pregnant.
How big is the baby:
Baby is the size of a crenshaw melon.
-image via Babycenter
Weight gain/Maternity clothes:
Gained this week: +1
Total Gain: +18.1
Yep. Still have a lot of movement. Which is nice.
Food cravings/aversions?
Milk & chocolate milk. I had my last baby shower on Saturday and seriously ate so much that I'm still full! I'm kind of at the point where there's not a whole lot of room to eat a lot at once so, I've mostly been snacking. The menu since Saturday has consisted mostly of milk, fruit, nachos (snack size, which is a lot of trouble), and chicken fingers. I've also been so incredibly thirsty over the last few days. Like I wake up in the middle of the night and cannot lie back down without drinking at least 8 oz of ice cold water. (Which I usually regret about 30 minutes later.)
fatigue, sensitivity to smells, nausea, vomiting, vivid dreams, big belly, loss of appetite, elevated temperature & lots of sweating, swelling, heartburn, back & hip pain, drooling, gas, itchiness, increased thirst, difficulty breathing (only because all of my insides are squished from the giant baby), pressure on my cervix/bladder, irritability.
What do I miss?
Getting comfortable.
How far along:
36 Weeks. Officially 9 months pregnant.
How big is the baby:
Baby is the size of a crenshaw melon.
-image via Babycenter
Weight gain/Maternity clothes:
Gained this week: +1
Total Gain: +18.1
Yep. Still have a lot of movement. Which is nice.
Food cravings/aversions?
Milk & chocolate milk. I had my last baby shower on Saturday and seriously ate so much that I'm still full! I'm kind of at the point where there's not a whole lot of room to eat a lot at once so, I've mostly been snacking. The menu since Saturday has consisted mostly of milk, fruit, nachos (snack size, which is a lot of trouble), and chicken fingers. I've also been so incredibly thirsty over the last few days. Like I wake up in the middle of the night and cannot lie back down without drinking at least 8 oz of ice cold water. (Which I usually regret about 30 minutes later.)
fatigue, sensitivity to smells, nausea, vomiting, vivid dreams, big belly, loss of appetite, elevated temperature & lots of sweating, swelling, heartburn, back & hip pain, drooling, gas, itchiness, increased thirst, difficulty breathing (only because all of my insides are squished from the giant baby), pressure on my cervix/bladder, irritability.
What do I miss?
Getting comfortable.
Labor Signs: None. I had my first cervical check on Tuesday and there's no dilation and he still hasn't dropped. BUT the my doctor did say that I'm about 30% effaced. So... that's something. My lower back is hurting, but it's kind of like premenstrual cramps and I don't think it has anything to do with Ryker making an appearance.
This Week:
Ryker is now about 6lbs & 18.5 inches long. He's started shedding most of his downy hair and vernix caseosa. He's head down and gaining weight quickly - about an ounce a day.
Bump Shot:
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