Thursday, July 26, 2012

Where I'm From

I am from cheese sandwiches, from gritty Ajax cleanser and instant coffee.
I am from the blue house in the alley with the split rail fence and a triangle shaped bathtub in an added-on bathroom.
I am from honeysuckle and freshly mowed grass, and pansies by the mailbox.
I am from coffee anytime and electrifying smiles, from Bonifacio and Maria and Irene and Robert.
I am from game-cheaters, sore losers, and terrible winners.
From "piddle-assing around" and "mind your manners."
I am from questioning and doubt, and finding joy in God's overwhelming grace.
I'm from the Magic City and Hawaiian war brides, the homemade pancit and Christmas tea cakes.
From the boy whose house burnt down on Christmas day, and a disappointed grandmother who always wanted a blue eyed baby.
I am from a bookshelf in the office, a box of school papers on the top shelf of a closet, from catching fireflies, and belly laughs.

Poetry project inspired by George Ella Lyon. Template from this site.

Monday, July 23, 2012


It's been awhile since I've done a post on pinterest. These are some of my recent favorites.

Pizza Quesadillas! From Snixy Kitchen. I actually made these and they were delicious. Seriously. these things are in the dinner menu rotation now. 

Adorable and funny. I have nothing bad to say about this pin. Except that it directs me to a weird page where I assume I'd have to dig around to find this picture.

I told Josh I'm thinking about getting a new tattoo for my 25th(!!!!) birthday. Really like this one from sass a frass. Love this poem, but I don't know if I'd want it tattooed on me. I already have something else in mind for my "Josh tattoo." So... I'm thinking about maybe using this font & placement, but doing something like "for Thou art with me" from Psalm 23... I dunno.

It's still 100 degrees outside, but I'm already getting in the Christmas spirit! My baby brother likes ironic mustaches, this ornament from wanelo could be his present this year.

Speaking of holidays. I am in love with this Thanksgiving/autumnal mantle. This post actually has a year's worth of mantles, but her Thanksgiving mantle is spectacular. I'm so happy our house has a fireplace so I can decorate it for the holidays!

The every girl has a great post about fashion essentials for a woman in her 20's. And since most of my youth was spent trying to be counter-culture and anti consumerist, I often feel completely lost when it comes to fashion (although I really love it) and trying to present myself to the world. It doesn't help that my job is fairly conservative & I have no money to spend on a new work wardrobe.

Last but not least, I found this saying. It's actually a really wonderful short prayer/mantra that helps me to remind myself that I have to trust the Lord in everything. Even if it means giving up all of the fancy dreams I had/have for myself (fabulous career, adoring husband who remembers to put the toilet seat down, awesome body, having a baby when I'm 25, big brick house, car with all the hubcaps, etc etc).

Pinterest, I love you!