Monday, November 28, 2011

Misc: Life

1. It’s difficult to come back to work after a 4 day weekend. But my lovely new skirt makes the transition a little easier.

2. Now that Thanksgiving is over, we’re gearing up for Christmas on Self Lane. It’s my first Christmas in a house (as opposed to a tiny cramped apartment with a roommate, and a hotel room) so we’re a little lacking in the decoration department, but I’m just going to have to “make it work.” But the day after Christmas, I’m definitely going to hit up the sales!

3. I.Love.Pinterest. So so so so very much. It’s a sickness really.

4. Last week, the weather was ah-maz-ing. Now, they’re predicting snow… And, I’m ok with that.

5. As mentioned last week, 2 of my BFFs are getting married next summer (not to each other), and I’m still super excited.

6. My sis-in-law is having a yard sale next week to prepare for their move to France/Africa. I feel like this will be a good opportunity to get rid of some stuff, but I’m afraid I’ll end up buying a bunch of her stuff (cuz she’s adorable & I love her style).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

OOTD Week of 11/14-11/18

I've decided to start doing weekly Outfit posts, because this blog isn't only supposed to be about what I wore to work... that's just one tool to help me be creative with what little wardrobe I have. Ideally, I'd like to post the previous week on Saturday or Monday, but this blog isn't supposed to be about routine or structured posts. It's supposed to be about my life, it's supposed to be a very organic thing... which is why some weeks I don't post anything, and then some weeks I post several times. There aren't any rules. I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for no one but myself (since no one reads this... & I'm ok with that).

Monday, November 14, 2011

Misc: Life

Following the wonderful, Carissa's lead:

1. Have you ever just woken up so thankful you feel like your going to burst? That's how I've felt lately. Thankful and so so so happy.

2. Getting out of debt is no fun. I have to constantly remind myself that this will be worth it (in like 10 years, when it'll finally be over).

3. I <3 my new(ish) job. Even on the bad days. I love the crap out of it.

4. Sometimes I get really annoyed when people ask when J & I are going to have a baby. We will when the time is right, so back off baby-crazy people.

5. 2 of my BFFs are getting married next summer. I'm so ecstatic for them! (while at the same time, selfishly wondering how I'm going to afford it.)

Thanks Carissa for helping me get started with the actual writing part of the blog. Maybe one day I'll be as eloquent as you.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Friday, November 11, 2011


Wow. What a date!

In the last few years Veterans Day has taken on a new meaning for me. I married a Veteran, who is the son of a Veteran. I now work for an office seemingly full of Veterans. My best friends family members of veterans or active military... And to all of those people I want to give a very very heartfelt thanks. To every veteran and active duty member of the armed forces: Thank you so much. Not just today, but every single day. We wouldn't have this without you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011




Lately I've been thinking to myself, "Self, you are kind of boring. You get up, go to work, come home, clean (a little... maybe... sometimes) and watch t.v. or read or play on the computer."
Now, I know there's nothing wrong with doing these things, it's just that I got in the habit of doing them every single day. Which is not good for someone who has relocated to a new small town & only knows her mother & father-in-law... And I remember how I used to go out all the time. And maybe a small part of me has been missing that. But lately, the lazy/shy/no self-esteem/poor side of me always wins.

All this to say that last night (Tuesday) J had a VIP ticket to a fashion show he was working. SO I went. I really didn't want to go. I was scared of going outside my comfort zone. But you know what? After I stopped being so effing shy (thanks to the free vodka), I had a lot of fun!






Last week was pretty hectic, so there was no time to post. Expect rapid-fire outfits coming in the next day or so...