Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Lately I've been thinking to myself, "Self, you are kind of boring. You get up, go to work, come home, clean (a little... maybe... sometimes) and watch t.v. or read or play on the computer."
Now, I know there's nothing wrong with doing these things, it's just that I got in the habit of doing them every single day. Which is not good for someone who has relocated to a new small town & only knows her mother & father-in-law... And I remember how I used to go out all the time. And maybe a small part of me has been missing that. But lately, the lazy/shy/no self-esteem/poor side of me always wins.

All this to say that last night (Tuesday) J had a VIP ticket to a fashion show he was working. SO I went. I really didn't want to go. I was scared of going outside my comfort zone. But you know what? After I stopped being so effing shy (thanks to the free vodka), I had a lot of fun!

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