Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Six Months

(Feb. 7 - Mar. 6)
You're six months old!!! Here's what you've been up to during your sixth month:

- started rolling from back to belly
- are sitting up. You can sit for a while unassisted, but you eventually fall over.
- are getting more and more vocal. I love hearing you talk to me, or your daddy, or your toys, or the hall light.
- are so active during play time. 
- love all the new foods... prunes, squash, pears, sweet potatoes, peaches, green beans, apples... the list goes on & you hold your own bottle. 
- wake up around 5:30 or 6, take a long morning nap, take an early afternoon nap, & sometimes take a later afternoon nap. You go to sleep sometime between 8-8:30... We are adjusting to the daylight savings time change. 
- went through a serious wonder week / clingy phase right at the end of February. You refuse to nap or be put down. We had to hold you all weekend. (Which I am mostly ok with.)
- GOT TWO TEETH!!!!! (I might be crying a little. I am gonna miss that big ole smile full of gums.)
- celebrated your first valentines day
- went to your first rock show. You got to watch Uncle Joe and Uncle Dillon play in their bands.
- got another cold. And it has thrown off your semi-predictable sleep patterns.
- love playing with your feet
- suck your thumb
- are such a smiling, happy baby! You're the coolest baby I know.

I can't believe my sweet boy is half a year old. The last six months have been indescribable. Being your mommy is more fun, busy, sweet, exhausting, rewarding, and fulfilling than I ever thought possible.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bad Haircut

At 26, I'm suffering from my first bad hair cut. Which is actually a pretty good record for women, I know.
But after 26 years of having ok to great haircuts, it makes this one sting all the more.
It makes a bad haircut such a big deal that I actually take time to write about it in my blog.

To start, I am not a salon loyalist. I usually go to a chain that has the shortest wait. Then I show the stylist 2-3 pictures I like. And it has worked every single time. Until yesterday. Yesterday I only wanted a trim because I loved my December haircut. I showed the woman a picture of what I wanted:


This is more like what I got:

(Minus the bangs. She went after them & I told her that my bangs were fine as is. I'm too embarrassed to take a pic. Image via

It looks like I'm back in that awkward, growing-out-a-pixie-cut hair style. And it makes my round face look rounder (oh hai, double chin!). And... it's actually not terrible since I love short hair. Just not this particular style on me.

I'm trying to look on the bright side.
1. She saved me a ton of money because now I don't have to get regular trims on a cut that I love. Instead I'll spend the next 6 months to a year growing it out to be the original length I requested.
2. Less shampoo & blow drying? This is an untested theory.
3. I look like a flapper. Which is awesome. Because I love the 20's rebellious women. Unfortunately, I am not as thin as flappers, so no one will automatically think Roaring 20's when they see my Daisy Buchanan-esque hair.