Yesterday was CD1. I got to go to ART this morning and have my fasting & baseline tests done this morning. I didn't realize that my baseline tests were through a vaginal ultrasound! That was definitely something I was not prepared for. Ultimately, it was uncomfortable, but not too difficult. I really loved my nurse. Unfortunately, I had to spend another $45 today on tests. Add that to the $95 we spent last time, and Baby Nerd is already costing us. Don't forget about the prescriptions. Luckily I've been able to get generics, so I've only paid $15.00, but I can't imagine how mind blowing-ly expensive it would be if we didn't have such good insurance.
My baselines showed one small cyst on my left ovary. It measured 1.9, so they said I can continue with the original plan of taking clomid on days 5-9. Then I start doing OPK's on day 12. If I haven't gotten 2 lines by CD 14, they want me to come in on CD 15 in the morning for my surge appointment. I have to BD 2-6 hours before the surge appointment, so I guess we get to have super early morning s-e-x.
My surge appointment will include a post coital test (to see how his guys are doing once they're in the cervical fluid) and another vaginal ultrasound (at least I'm prepared this time!) to measure my follicles. Once my follicles measure 1.8, they will administer my HCG trigger shot. Then I think we're gonna BD some more just to make sure... unless we are told not to.
I also got to schedule my HSG for next Tuesday the 4th. I'm getting pretty nervous.
I had to have a talk with my boss today. Told him I'm having "feminine problems" and have to go to the doctor pretty much at least once each week for the next month. He was much more supportive than I expected (he only started working there about 1.5 weeks ago...) and told me that he and his wife had difficulty trying to conceive their second daughter 20+ years ago. I think he will be a tremendous help and a great boss especially through this process.
My test results from this morning came back pretty good. Everything was normal except for the fact that my insulin is elevated so now I'm being prescribed glucophage (metformin) on top of my clomid and vitamin d supplements. Currently, I'm doing more research on glucophage/metformin and other natural ways to get my insulin in check. I feel like I may be pre-disposed to having diabetes because it runs in my mother's family and because I'm way overweight and love sweets. Also, the cyst. But the nurse said that was nothing to worry about because some women have a small cyst around the beginning of their cycle.
I feel like so much has happened on the baby front. But there actually really hasn't been a whole lot of stuff going on. I guess it feels that way because this process makes fertility right in the front of your mind. I feel like I've been able to focus on other things (when I needed to) in the last year, but this first month of infertility treatment/monitoring has just put so much focus on TTC... and it's only CD 2!!!
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