Thursday, December 13, 2012

(No) Surge Appt

I was told to come in on CD 15 if there was no LH surge detected prior to that. So, I went in yesterday (CD15) for my surge appointment.  We did an ultrasound to measure my follicles & cervial lining. I had one mature follicle & the cervical lining was good... So the nurse did a postcoital test. That was not so great. She couldn't get all the way into my cervix to obtain the last sample, so the lab only had 2 samples to look at. The first sample was taken from in front of my cervix and there were a lot of sperm, but none were moving. The second sample was from the outside opening of my cervix and there were no sperm at all. She said there was a chance that all the fast guys were already in my cervix, but because she couldn't reach that high we don't know for sure.  She decided to go ahead and give me my HCG trigger shot. And it hurts worse now than when the needle was actually in my hip! It feels like a bruise. It's not bad at all, really. Just kinda funny that the needle didn't hurt, but the injection site does. So, anyways, we are supposed to cover for 3 days and I'll go back next week for blood work (to look at my progesterone levels). And I can take a home pregnancy test on the 26th. The nurse said not to take it early to surprise people for Christmas because I could get a false positive. So, I won't because that would be heartbreaking for us.
I'll have to write about my experience with Clomid (it worked, but I was a hot mess) on another day because that is something I definitely want to remember!


  1. Praying for you and josh! And hope you get that big fat positive! I would of course love to have a little Andrea to dress in cute frilly dresses or a little josh =)

    1. Thanks! You know I'll have to call you every five minutes to ask about something child related.
