Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My First Experience With Clomid


Clomid was ridiculous.

I usually have very little patience on a normal basis, but with Clomid things that always bothered me a little bit before were magnified a hundred times. I seriously wanted to punch everyone I know in the face.

Luckily, the doctor said that irritability is a common side effect, so I was able to keep the violence to a minimum. But I did "get short"with a lot of people:
1. Co-workers.
2. Facebook.
3. A Sheriff's Deputy.
4. My grandmother.
5. My mother.
6. My stepmother.
7. The worship leader at my church.
8. Anyone driving too slow or too fast.
9. My pregnant BFF.
10. Pretty much every single contractor who came in to City Hall.

In hindsight, I am both proud of myself for never actually losing my temper and just going ape-shit on anyone, but I am also disappointed that I let so many stupid little things bother me. I really hope this cycle worked because I am not sure I can do Clomid for an extended period of time.


  1. I just found my way back to your blog. I had no idea that you had started writing about your TTC experience.

    I never tried Clomid, but did Femara. I was a hot flashy, bitchy, headachy, hormonal mess! It's crazy how a tiny pill you only take for 5 days can mess with your whole system!

    1. Thanks for commenting. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. It feels like I haven't been on my computer in forever! I actually had my blog set to private for awhile, but decided to make it public when we started going to ART.
      Glad to know that there's other people out there who turn into crazy ladies when trying to make a baby!
