Wednesday, March 6, 2013

14 Weeks

How far along:
14 Weeks.

How big is the baby:
Baby is the size of a lemon.
image via babycenter

Weight gain/Maternity clothes:
Gained 1 pound which puts me at a total of -6ish lbs. I've started wearing maternity pants, but am still mostly sticking with leggings and dresses.

Little Nerd is moving around a lot in there, I just can't feel it yet.

Food cravings/aversions?
No real cravings lately. We like stinky food like onions. But most other vegetables are still pretty gross. I'm trying to find ways to sneak them in. Like we had tacos last night, so I tried to put extra lettuce and tomatoes on them & hope it would fool me.

6-ish weeks until we find out!

Most are subsiding. I'm still tired, but not like it was in the beginning. I get nauseated every once in awhile, but not all day every day. Round ligament pains are becoming more frequent.

What do I miss?
Nothing. At all.

Beginning the fourth month of pregnancy. We're almost at the halfway mark. Crazy.

This Week:
Baby Nerd can now make facial expressions! The kidneys are producing urine. Baby Nerd grew almost an inch from last week and is now approximately 3.5 inches long and weighs 1.5 ounces. Lanugo is developing all over Baby Nerd's body.

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