Thursday, June 20, 2013

29 Weeks

How far along:
29 Weeks.

How big is the baby:
Baby is the size of a butternut squash.
-image via Babycenter

Weight gain/Maternity clothes:
Gained this week: 0
Total Gain: +9.4
So, apparently I like to go a few weeks without gaining anything and then gain 5 lbs in one week... and then go a few more weeks without gaining. Interesting. Still rocking pre-pregnancy shirts a majority of the time.

Yup. And it's getting stronger. I watched my whole belly move with his hiccups the other day. His strongest movements are infiltrating my dreams now. He still doesn't like to move when J puts his hand on my belly. Although, J is still impatient and will only put his hand on my belly for like 30 seconds.

Food cravings/aversions?
Just downed my second glass of milk this morning. :) We still love sweets and have rediscovered string cheese. So, there's been a lot of cheese eating lately.


fatigue, sensitivity to smells, vomiting (caused by sensitivity to smells... especially bad ones), vivid dreams, big belly, elevated temperature & lots of sweating, swelling, heartburn, pain in sides & back below ribs (nurse says to invest in a maternity support belt), hip pain, increased appetite, tender breasts, dry skin, clumsiness (more than usual), drooling, carpal tunnel in left arm, insomnia, unstoppable gas (which can be super embarrassing!), heat rash in a very undesirable place, booty & hips are growing (I just had to buy bigger undies... and it's kind of like heaven right now!), irritability and weepiness.

What do I miss?
Just being able to get comfortable.

This Week:
Ryker is 2.5 lbs and a little over 15 inches long. His muscles and lungs continue to mature and his head is growing to accomodate his baby genius brain. His skeleton is hardening and about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited to his bones each day. Guess it's a good thing we love milk!

Bump Shot:

Decided to change up the background. Introducing... the upstairs work bathroom!

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